Bedroom, Dining & Kitchen, Living Room

How To Care For Solid Wood Furniture

Wood is the most feasible and handy resource on the planet which is why it is also the most commonly used material in the creation of furniture. Almost all of us have wooden furniture at our home. We know that you want to keep your beloved furniture look gorgeous for a longer period of time. So, here we have brought some ideas to help you maintain the rich wooden finish of your timber furniture.

  • Frequent Dusting:

Frequently dust off your wooden furniture using a dry, soft, cotton cloth to maintain the rich texture of the wooden furniture. Do not use wet, damp cloth. Avoid cleaning with common household cleaners.


  • Wipe Up Spills Immediately

The longer a spill sits, the deeper the spill can penetrate. This is why it’s important to dry a spill as soon as you notice it.


  • Read Your Furniture’s Care Instructions:

This goes hand in hand with cleaning spills. Depending on the type of wood used on your furniture, you need to be very careful when cleaning them. By reading the care instructions first, you can save yourself a lot of disappointment later.


  • Be Careful While Moving Your Furniture:

Do not drag your furniture. Though wooden furniture look strong, but dragging by legs or pulling across the room will cause damage to them. Lifting gently or placing a cloth under the feet will be a better option.


  • No Alcohol Based Product

Never allow alcohol-based products including some cleaners, nail polish and perfumes to come in contact with your wood furniture. They can dissolve the furniture finish on contact, requiring professional repairs.

  • Cover When Unused for Long Time

It is a good idea to cover your furniture while you are on a long vacation or in any circumstance when the furniture will not be used for a long time.


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